Sabado, Mayo 12, 2012

Lecture1 : Overview


TRIGONOMETRY comes from three Greek words: “tri” meaning THREE; “gonia” meaning ANGLE; and “metrein” or “metron” meaning MEASUREMENT.
Generally, TRIGONOMETRY is a branch of Mathematics which deals with the study of triangles, its properties and measures.

Approaches in the study of Trigonometry
1.       Triangular Approach – deals with trigonometric function.
2.       Circular Approach – deals with circular function.

Angles and its Classifications

ANGLES – is a plane figure having two or more rays joining in a common endpoint.

Parts of an Angle
1.       Vertex – the common endpoint in an angle.
2.       Initial side – the ray of an angle wherein it starts to open.
3.       Terminal side – the ray of an angle wherein it stops to open.

Naming an Angle
1.       By Vertex
2.       By 3 (three) points
3.       By Greek letters: e.g. a; b; g; q; f; l; j

Unit measure of an Angle
1.       Degree measure / DMS
2.       Radian measure

Sign of an Angle
1.       Positive angle – an angle is said to be positive if it rotates in a counter-clockwise direction.
2.       Negative angle – an angle is said to be negative if it rotates in a clockwise direction.

Classification of Angles
1.       Zero angle – is an angle whose measure is exactly 0o.
2.       Acute angle – is an angle whose measure is greater than 0o but less than 90o.
3.       Right angle – is an angle whose measure is exactly 90o.
4.       Obtuse angle – is an angle whose measure is greater than 90o but less than 180o.
5.       Straight angle – is an angle whose measure is exactly 180o.
6.       Reflex angle – is an angle whose measure is greater than 180o but less than 360o.
7.       Full angle/Angle of complete revolution – is an angle whose measure is exactly 360o.

Complementary angles – are two angles whose sum is equal to 90o.

Supplementary angles – are two angles whose sum is equal to 180o.
Triangles and Its Classifications

TRIANGLE – is a closed plane figure or polygon with
three sides and three angles.

General Property of a Triangle
“The sum of all interior angles of any triangle is equal to 180o.”

Classification of Triangles
A.      According to SIDES:
1.       Isosceles Triangle – is a triangle with two (2) equal sides.
2.       Equilateral Triangle – is a triangle with all three (3) equal sides.
3.       Scalene Triangle – is a triangle with no equal sides.
B.      According to ANGLES:
1.       Acute Triangle – is a triangle with all angles is acute.
2.       Obtuse Triangle – is a triangle with one obtuse angle.
3.       Right Triangle – is a triangle with exactly one right angle.
4.       Equiangular Triangle – is a triangle with all equal angles.

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